Let’s watch together: Broken Treaties, An Oregon Experience

“In the early 1830s, the Oregon Trail had established a direct route to the Pacific Northwest. The government encouraged Americans to make the journey and to settle here to strengthen its claim to the territory. The U.S government had formally declared, ‘their lands and property shall never be taken from them without their consent,’. . .but before any treaties were signed. . . the government began to officially give it away.”

This week we’re watching Broken Treaties, An Oregon Experience, part of a multi-layered OPB series, Broken Treaties — an examination of the injustices Tribes in the Northwest experienced at the hand of the U.S government. Offering us a significant piece of our region’s history rarely told, this documentary is a must watch for those who want to understand the complete story of the land we now call Oregon. 

“What do folks today know about the earlier Oregonians who fished for salmon in the Willamette River and watched the late-day sun light up Mount Hood — thousands of years before Portland got its name?”

From treaties that were never ratified and many that were blatantly broken, to systematic efforts to wipe out traditional practices, languages and spirituality in the name of “civilization,” this series illuminates the strategies behind the colonization of the region, and many others, and provides us with much to ponder. It also offers us rich accounts of the vast contributions of the Tribes, as well as their linguistic, cultural and artistic expressions and deep understanding of the land that continue to shape the region we live in today. 

“I would encourage you to seek out the art of these contemporary local native people. It places you in the present with an anchor in the past, with this long history of connection to this place.” 

Many of us grew up learning about this region from a very different perspective and now we have the privilege of understanding it from a more informed and complete lens. Join us in watching Broken Treaties, An Oregon Experience, as  well as the other parts of this important documentary series and let’s share in learning of our past and the hope of what is still to come. Even as we look to the future of Willamette Falls, we take time to deeply honor its past and the people who experienced its natural wonder thousands of years ago.

 What did you hear that you had never heard before? How does it impact your understanding of Oregon’s story? We look forward to a rich discussion!

As always, we hope you and your loved ones continue to stay healthy as we stay home and stay safe. We look forward to hearing from you.

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