Delvis Heath, Sr.

Warm Springs Delegate and Chief of the Warm Springs Tribe, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs

Delvis Heath, Sr. has been the hereditary Chief of the Warm Springs Tribe for almost 30 years. When his father, Chief Nathan Heath, died in 1969 Delvis felt he was not ready to assume the Chieftainship, so he declined. The Sahaptin people gathered and decided that Amos Simtustus, Sr. would become Chief, with the stipulation that when Amos passed away, the son of Nathan Heath would take back the Chieftainship. Delvis became the Warm Springs Chief and took his place on Tribal Council on May 4, 1984.

Chief Heath is considered the Confederated Tribe of the Warm Springs foremost goodwill ambassador. He is a leading figure at ceremonial functions and important liaison for the Tribe in dealing with Treaty issues with both federal and state governments. He has been very active in the in-lieu fishing settlements. As the Chief of the Sahaptin speaking people, he follows the teachings of the Washat religion. He speaks the language of his ancestors and is often called on to open or close a tribal meeting or event in prayer.