So much to cherish, so much to look forward to


As the days begin to grow shorter and the air crisper at Willamette Falls, we are drawn to themes of renewal and change in our environment. In that spirit, our website has undergone a refresh of its own. You’ll find personal stories and experiences visitors to the Falls have shared with us over time. It's inspiring to see how generations have been profoundly moved by and connected to this space. We’re curious, what is your favorite memory of the Falls?

You’ll also get a chance to take a look at the renderings of the future public riverwalk—and envision with us a place for many communities to convene around the beauty and power of the Falls. We look forward to the continual, community-driven co-creation process as—together—we bring this vision to fruition.

Our leadership is growing here at Willamette Falls Trust and as new faces join our board of directors, their passion and commitment to the vision of the Trust is exciting and inspiring. You can read more about our board here.

With so much to look forward to, we’d love to hear from you what you are most excited to experience at the Riverwalk? Drop by our Facebook page and let us know.

We wish you and your loved ones well.

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