Willamette Falls: creating space for relationship


As our region begins its gradual shift into Autumn, we’re inspired by the continuous relationship Willamette Falls has with its natural environment in the seasonal cycle of change and growth. Whether to the backdrop of a red and orange tree-line, or with its cold spray piercing through the hottest summer day, or as daily rains bring its waters to their fullest girth, the Falls is in constant relationship with the wildlife and nature that surrounds it.

 Relationship has been pivotal to our collective vision for Willamette Falls and the public riverwalk since the project’s very inception and continues to drive it forward today. As communities have access to seeing themselves throughout the planning and visioning, we are creating a shared public experience at Willamette Falls that invites the potential for many interests and people to come together.

A large part of creating a welcoming space is programming that reflects the activities and uses that community members see themselves holding in the space. From gatherings and celebrations, to regular programming such as education and cultural activities for youth, elders, Tribes, and organizations, it will be a place of relationship-building and a dynamic, healthy civic commons. These relationships will continue long after the public riverwalk is built.

As we gather in the spaces, find connection with each other and nature, it’s our hope that together, we will continue to create, build and hold space for countless visitors to find unique experiences at the Falls—for generations to come.

And we want to stay connected with you! Follow along with our news on Facebook and visit our meet our newest board members.

 And as always, we hope you and your loved ones continue to stay safe and strong.

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